Ahmeek Mine Office
Blum Building
Bollman Block
Calumet & Hecla Mining Company Bathhouse
Calumet & Hecla Mining Company General Office Building
Calumet Manual Training and High School
Calumet Opera House and Village Hall
Calumet Opera House and Village Hall Addition
Calumet Public Library
Calumet State Bank
Calumet Theatre
CLK High School
Corgan Block
Croatian Co-operative Store
First Baptist Church
First National Bank
Italian Hall
Jacka Block
Keweenaw Heritage Center
Kinsman Block
Kirby & Co. 5¢ and 10¢ Store
Lake Superior Produce Co. Warehouse
Michigan House
Mineral Range Railroad Depot
Nelson-Schroeder Block
Quello Block
Red Jacket Village Fire House
Red Jacket Village Hall
Ruppe Block
Ruppe House
Ryan Block
Sacred Heart Church
St. Anne’s Catholic Church
St. Anne’s Parsonage
St. Anthony of Padua Convent
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Interior
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church Interior
Tamarack Co-operative Store
Tamarack Hospital
Tambellini Block
Ulseth House
Union Building
Vertin’s Department Store
Walz Block
Washington School
Wayner Building
Chassell High School
Dollar Bay High School

Keweenaw County Sheriff’s Residence and Jail
Ripley School
Citizens Bank
Close House
Cooper House
D&N Bank Building
Detroit & Northern Savings & Loan Association
Donahue House
Elks Club
Finlandia University
Finlandia Hall
Nikander Hall
Old Main
First National Bank Building
First National Bank Building Addition
Gennette Block
Germania Hall
Hancock Central High School
Hancock City Hall
Hancock Middle School
Hancock Town Hall and Fire Hall
Harris House
Henwood House
Kauth House
Kerredge Theater
Lawton House
Liebert House
Light House
Northwestern Hotel
Pearce House
Quincy Mining Company Houses (1900)
Quincy Mining Company Houses (1905)
Republic Bank
Scallon House
Schneider Building
St. Joseph's Hospital
Suomi College
Finlandia Hall
Nikander Hall
Old Main
Temple Jacob
Whittle House
Wright Block

Bergdahl Building
Bosch Building
Briggs Building
Carnegie Museum
Citizens National Bank Building
City Center
Commercial Building, 220-224 Shelden, Houghton
Dee Block
Dickens House
Douglass House
First National Bank of Houghton
Foley Building
Grace United Methodist Church
Hall Building
Houghton Club
Houghton County Courthouse
Houghton National Bank
Houghton Public Library
Hubbard House
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Kroll Block
Leopold Building
Lutey Floral Co. Building
Masonic Temple
Michigan College of Mining & Technology, Sherman Gymnasium
Michigan Mining School
Administration and Library Building
Chemistry Building (1901)
Chemistry Building (1920)
Chemistry Building (1931)
Engineering Building
Gymnasium and Clubhouse
Hubbell Hall
Koenig Hall (1901)
Koenig Hall (1920)
Koenig Hall (1931)
Mechanical Engineering Building
Mining Engineering Building
Sperr Hall
Michigan Technological University
Academic Office Building
Administration and Library Building
Chemistry Building (1901)
Chemistry Building (1920)
Chemistry Building (1931)
Co-Ed Dormitory and Food Service Complex
Daniell Heights
Daniell Heights Addition
Engineering Building
Gymnasium and Clubhouse
Hubbell Hall
Koenig Hall (1901)
Koenig Hall (1920)
Koenig Hall (1931)
McNair Residence Hall
Mechanical Engineering Building
Mining Engineering Building
ROTC Building
Rozsa Center for Performing Arts
Sheldon Heights
Sperr Hall
Walker Arts and Humanities Center
Worcester House
Murphy Building
Portage Lake District Library
Post Office Block
Rees House, Allen
Rees House, John
Shelden-Dee Block
St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church
Trinity Episcopal Church
U.P. Engineers & Architects Offices
Wells Fargo Bank

First Congregational Church of Lake Linden
Lake Linden High School
Lake Linden Village Hall
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Begun
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Completed
Bessolo House
Bollman House
Briggs School
Campbell House I
Campbell House II
Contralto Block
Daniell House
Fichtel House
First Methodist Episcopal Church of Laurium
First National Bank of Laurium
Grimmer House
Hoatson House
Jones House
Lathrop House
Laurium Manor Inn
Laurium Village Hall
Maass House
MacDonald House
Marta Block
Milligan House
Richetta Block
Roehm House
Sibilski House
State Savings Bank
Vivian Building
Vivian House
Weir House
Champion Copper Company Doctor’s House
Goodell House
Hubbard House
Jeffers High School
Paine Memorial Library
Painesdale High School
Painesdale High School Addition
North Store
Quincy Mining Company Clubhouse
Quincy Mining Company Office Building
Copper Range Historical Museum
South Range Bank
Wolverine Copper Company Superintendent's House
