Originally a carpenter, Duncan Campbell had a brief but prolific career as an architect in Laurium.
Duncan Campbell first appeared as a carpenter in the 1899-1900 Polk Directory1, but from 1901 until 1908 he was listed as an architect. In 1899 the newspaper asserted that “Within the past year Duncan Campbell has designed, planned, and erected two dozen residences in this vicinity and every one of them has been an ornament to the city and a credit to the owner as well as to Mr. Campbell.” He seems to have had a few good years as an architect in Laurium, but his star quickly faded. In 1901 his offices were in the Richetta Block and he lived at 208 Pewabic, both buildings ones that he had designed. By 1903 he was working out of his house. In 1905 he had moved to 403 Hecla. In 1910 he was no longer listed.
