- 1860 Manuscript Census.
- 1880 Manuscript Census.
- 1900 Manuscript Census.
- 1910 Manuscript Census.
- CSA Veterans of Washington.
- Eckert, Sandstone Architecture, 164.
- Eckert, Sandstone Architecture, 164. “Calumet Village Hall and Theater,” National Register of Historic Places Nomination, (U. S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1971).
- Eckert, Sandstone Architecture, 243.
- “Eagle River Historic District,” National Register of Historic Places Nomination, (U. S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1984).
- “ Houghton County Courthouse,” National Register of Historic Places Nomination, (U. S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1975).
- “ Houghton County Courthouse,” Nomination.
- “ Houghton County Courthouse,” Nomination.
